Who decided that Santa needs elves? This is eerily close to child labor and on another note, why would elves hang out at the North Pole? Is it because they are tiny and adorable? Is it because the world turned against them as man evolved? Their small bodies acted as miniature walking heaters? They became nomadic wanderers fleeing from their homes as the humans encroached on their tiny elven cities? Only to find a leader in an elder gentlemen who reformed them for good? Or maybe it was only to seem good at face value. Maybe Santa will one day raise up with his army of elves and attack the world of men. Maybe this Christmas will be our last.
It's my concern that the elves never leave the north pole. Everything is done through Santa. Communistic regime set up by the man who calls himself a Saint mind you. Are these elves okay? Are they being treated well? Does the North Pole adhere to any labor laws? We merely accept all these unanswered questions as a shower of gifts rains down, washing away our guilt.