You ever find yourself thinking about something completely normal, and then over a course of random thoughts it has evolved to some strange creature in your brain? Then you stop yourself and go, "What? How the hell did I get here?"
Usually it's based around sex, especially if you're a guy. But there are those other times. How about an example?
Just this afternoon I was thinking about how I needed to take a shirt to the dry cleaners. A few minutes pass and the image in my head is a man suffocating another man and beating him to death with a pipe. I stopped myself and had a 'What the hell just happened?' moment. It took a while to recall where this all came from, then I realized.
Somehow my brain pictured a dry cleaners and the massive amounts of things in one that could be potentially dangerous. Then it moved on to, what if some occultists ran a dry cleaners and were painting satanic glyphs on the inside of people's clothes. Then what if a man found out about it and tried to stop them. Hence the suffocation and beatings.
The brain is a crazy beautiful thing...enjoy those day dreams!
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