Thursday, July 14, 2016

Pokemon: WHOA

Did you download it yet?
Have you seen people out playing it?
Have you almost been hit by someone driving while playing?
Have you taken pictures of the 40 year olds playing in the alley way out of shame?

There are a lot of people obviously into this game. Mostly getting that nostalgia feeling back. Pokémon was before my time, so I'm don't really care one way or the other. But there are people who are really into it and others that are pissed.
I'm seeing posts, "It's stupid" "Look up from your phone" "Get a life" "Grow up"
So much anger for some little...whatever the hell a pokemon is.

The thing that kills me is that these people talking about how the poke-folk should "Get a life" and "Augmented reality is a stupid idea" are the same people that play World of Warcraft, or Fantasy Football.
All in all, who gives a shit? As long as the poke-folk aren't smashing into you while they drive and catch, what's the big deal? Everyone is on their phone playing Candy Crush or checking Facebook or Instagram anyway. It gives some people a social experience with a game attached.
If you're one of the people hating on the poke-folk, maybe you should re-examine all the dumb shit you do in your life.

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